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ADILON XCN is a universal after soaping agent for the removal of reactive dye hydrolysate or unfixed direct dye from dyeing on cellulosic material.

Excellent dispersing capacity

Reduces the number of rinsing and soaping steps required.
Removes the hydrolysate from the material.
Retains hydrolysate in the liquor and prevents their re-deposition on the material.

Excellent stability

The action is virtually independent of pH.
The action is virtually independent of salt concentration.
Performance not affected by water hardness.

Promotes solubility of hydrolysed dyes

Improved gum removal with a better white and enhanced luster.

Excellent soap for sensitive substrate

Enables the possibility of reducing after soaping temperatures for temperature sensitive substrate blends.
Effective with all chromophore & reactive group structures.

Not toxic or harmful to aquatic organisms

Easy to handle and soluble in water all proportions. Bio-eliminable and phosphate free.



Special polymer.


Weakly anionic.


Pale yellow clear viscous liquid.

pH. (as such)

7.5 +/- 1

Approx. 1.0 g/cm3

Soluble in water.


Compatible with anionic and non-ionic products.


ADILON XCN is stable for 1 year when properly stored in closed containers at 20°C. The product is sensitive to temperatures below 0°C and above 40°C.


The usual hygiene and safety rules for handling chemicals should be observed in storage, handling and use. The product must not be swallowed.


Process for post-clearing reactive dyeing’s:

The general conditions for post-clearing reactive dyeing’s are determined by the chemical type of reactive dye used in the recipe. For example, it is essential to observe the recommendations of the dye manufacturer concerning the pH of the treatment baths. The post clearing effect required depends mainly on the depth of shade, the liquor ratio, the liquor carried over between consecutive steps and the time for each process step. These parameters vary according to machine and substrate type and the following processes are given as examples for two reactive systems.


  • Washing off process by exhaust Method:
    ADILON XCN – 1 – 2 gpl
    MLR 1:10, Temperature 85 ⁰C for 20 – 30 Min 
  • Washing off process by continuous Method:

         Process gyidelines:

  • pH of the first washing chamber should be 4 – 4.5. Add acetic acid at regular intervals to maintain the pH.
  • Water of washing chambers 2, 3 & 4 should be continuously changed/running.
  • Initially, dose 1 to 2 gpl of both ADILON XCN & ADILON HYPERDET before starting the washing process. For example, if the washing bath is of 1000 litres, add 1 – 2 kg of both the products in the hot tank.
  • Add 0.25 – 0.5 gpl of both the products every half hour depending on the colour depth of dyed/printed goods. For example, add 250 – 500 grams of both products in a 1000 litre tank every half hour or as and when required.
  • If water in washing chambers 5, 6 & 7 looks more turbid or dark coloured, it should be drained partially or fully.
  • The washing program should start from white to pale-pastel colours to medium to dark shade printed goods.
  • Especially red coloured goods/sensitive colours which bleeds more should be done at last with new liquor.
This information corresponds to the present state of our knowledge and is intended as a general description of our products and their possible applications. Adinath makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the information’s accuracy, adequacy, sufficiency or freedom from defect and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Any user of this product is responsible for determining the suitability of Adinath products for its particular application. * Nothing included in this information waives any of Adinath general terms and conditions of sale, which control unless it agrees otherwise in writing. Any existing intellectual/industrial property rights must be observed. Due to possible changes in our products and applicable national and international regulations and laws, the status of our products could change.

Cutting-Edge Fashion & Textile Solutions

ADILON XCN has excellent dispersing capacity that effectively removes hydrolyzed dyes and prevents their redeposition on cellulosic materials, ensuring cleaner results with fewer rinsing steps. It functions as an anti-tinting agent in reactive print washing off process.

Yes, ADILON XCN is versatile and works with all chromophore types. It ensures optimal performance irrespective of the pH, salt concentration, or water hardness.

Absolutely. ADILON XCN enables lower after-soaping temperatures, making it ideal for temperature-sensitive substrate blends without compromising cleaning efficiency.

ADILON XCN is bio-eliminable, phosphate-free, and non-toxic, making it safe for the environment and aquatic organisms.


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